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Practice Areas
- Sexual Assault
- Aggravated Sexual Assault
- Human Trafficking, Kidnapping, Forcible Confinement
- Sexual Interference, Invitation to Sexual Touching, Sexual Exploitation
- Child Pornography, Internet Child Luring
- Criminal Negligence Causing Death or Bodily Harm
- Aggravated Assault and Other Assault Offences
- Uttering Threats, Criminal Harassment, Domestic Assault
- Violent Offences
- Robbery
- Armed Robbery, Robbery with a Firearm, Extortion
- Firearm, Gun and Weapons Offences
- Murder, Manslaughter, Homicide
- Attempted Murder
- Fraud
- Theft
- Identity Fraud, Identity Theft
- Forgery, False Pretences
- Obstruction Of Justice, Perjury
- Mischief, Property Offences, Arson
- Break and Enter, Home Invasion Offences
- Dangerous Driving, Criminal Negligence, Impaired Driving, Driving While Over 80 mgs.
- Conspiracy
- Drug Trafficking
- Drug Possession
- Drug Importing
- Representing Clients Through Legal Aid Ontario (LAO), Rowbotham Orders and Pro Bono
- Not Criminally Responsible (NCR) Applications
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“experience is your best defence”